12 Februar 2025
2 months ago
China teilt mit, dass ein vor Somalia entführtes Fischereifahrzeug mit 18 Besatzungsmitgliedern an Bord befreit worden sei.
7 months ago
Militärsprecher der Houthis: Wir haben das Schiff Blue Lagoon im Roten Meer mit Drohnen und Raketen angegriffen und getroffen
7 months ago
MV SOUNION HEUTE brennend gesichtet
7 months ago
Russische Luftfahrt feuert Kh-22-Raketen auf die Region Odessa ab
7 months ago
Britische Seefahrtsbehörde: Handelsschiff vor der Küste Jemens von drei Granaten getroffen
7 months ago
Zentralkommando: In den letzten 24 Stunden haben die Streitkräfte des US Central Command (USCENTCOM) erfolgreich drei vom Iran unterstützte unbemannte Drohnensysteme (UAS) der Houthis zerstört, die aus von den Houthis kontrollierten Gebieten im Jemen über dem Golf von Aden gestartet wurden.
8 months ago
Das Korps der Islamischen Revolutionsgarde (IRGC) des Iran hat einen unter der Flagge Togos fahrenden und von den VAE verwalteten Produkttanker mit 1.500 Tonnen Gasöl für den Seeverkehr abgefangen, teilte das britische Sicherheitsunternehmen Ambrey am Montag mit. Der Vorfall ereignete sich am Sonntag 61 Seemeilen südwestlich des iranischen Hafens Bushehr, sagte Ambrey. Ambrey fügte hinzu, dass der Vorfall wahrscheinlich nicht politisch motiviert war und nicht als „Kriegsereignis" eingestuft wird.
8 months ago
Die iranische Revolutionsgarde fängt einen Tanker südwestlich der Stadt Buschehr ab
8 months ago
The British Maritime Trade Operations Authority receives a report about an incident 180 nautical miles east of Nashtoun, Yemen.
9 months ago
Houthi military spokesman: We targeted two ships with drone boats and winged missiles in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean
9 months ago
Circulating pictures show damage of the ship "Verbena."
10 months ago
UKMTO has received a report of a Merchant Vessel (MV) being boarded in position 0116S 05107E by an unknown number of unauthorised persons from two small craft. 420NM southeast of Merca, Somalia. Update 001: The Company Security Officer reports the unauthorised boarders have departed the MV and all crew are safe.
10 months ago
British Maritime Authority: Unidentified persons boarded a ship 420 nautical miles southeast of the Somali port of Marka.
a year ago
A British maritime authority says it has received notification of an incident off the port of Djibouti
a year ago
Israel envoy: Iran threatens global maritime trade
a year ago
Israeli Foreign Minister: Iran is carrying out a piracy operation in violation of international law
a year ago
Tehran says it will tow the ship "MSC ARIES" from the Strait of Hormuz to Iranian territorial waters
a year ago
Video seen by AP shows helicopter raid on ship near Strait of Hormuz; Mideast defense official says Iran behind attack
a year ago
Iranian forces seized the Portuguese ship "MSC ARIES" in the Strait of Hormuz with 20 Filipinos on board.
a year ago
British Maritime Trade Operations Authority: Regional authorities took control of a ship 50 nautical miles from Fujairah in the Gulf of Oman.
a year ago
UKMTO Incident 063 Boarding: UKMTO has received a report of an incident SONM northeast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
a year ago
Somali official: The Indian Navy liberates the ship MV Ruin and arrests 35 pirates
a year ago
UKMTO has received a report of an incident 600NM east of Mogadishu, Somalia. The Company Security Officer (CSO) reports that the vessel was boarded by multiple persons from two craft, one large and one small. Unauthorised persons now have control of the vessel
a year ago
CENTCOM: Sinking of Motor Vessel Rubymar Risks Environmental Damage On Mar. 2 at approximately 2:15 a.m., MV Rubymar, a Belize-flagged, UK-owned bulk carrier, sank in the Red Sea after being struck by an Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist anti-ship ballistic missile on Feb. 18.
a year ago
A French Navy frigate under tactical command of EU military operation EUNAVFOR ASPIDES conducts support for commercial vessels in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
a year ago
Somalia cabinet approves Defense and Economic Cooperation Agreement with Turkey, Wednesday. Under the agreement Turkey will build, train and equip Somali navy. The agreement also boosts martime resources and blue economy. Somalia PM @HamzaAbdiBarre said the agreement removes “any fears of terrorism, piracy, illegal fishing, toxic dumping and any external violations or threats” to Somalia’s sea. @HamzaAbdiBarre described Turkey as “true and reliable brother.”When faced with danger, Somalia is not alone and not with out a brother, @HamzaAbdiBarre said.The agreement was signed in Turkey on February 8
a year ago
British Navy: Reports of an incident 90 nautical miles west of Jizan in Saudi Arabia
a year ago
CENTCOM: On Feb. 14, between the hours of 1p.m. – 7:30p.m.(Sanaa time), U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces successfully conducted four self-defense strikes against seven mobile anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCM), three mobile unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV), and one explosive unmanned surface vessel(USV) in Houthi controlled areas of Yemen, that were prepared to launch against ships in the Red Sea. CENTCOM identified these mobile missiles, UAVs, and USV in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and determined it presented an imminent threat to U.S. Navy ships and merchant vessels in the region. These actions will protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S. Navy and merchant vessels
a year ago
Pentagon: If the Houthis continue their attacks on ships in the Red Sea, we will continue to strike their positions
a year ago
On Feb. 4, at approximately 4 a.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Central Command forces conducted a strike in self-defense against a Houthi anti-ship cruise missile prepared to launch against ships in the Red Sea. U.S. forces identified the cruise missile in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and determined it presented an imminent threat to U.S. Navy ships and merchant vessels in the region. This action will protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S. Navy vessels and merchant vessels.