Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - Gulf of Aden
Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 - 149 km NNW of Las Khorey, Somalia
Pentagon: The merchant ship "Unity Explorer" suffered minor damage as a result of being hit by a missile
The Pentagon: U.S. warship and several commercial ships were attacked in the Red Sea
1 jaar geledenUKMTO reports three incidents involving ships in the vicinity of the Bab El-Mandeb Strait today. Two attacks involving Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) and one incident involving an entity declaring itself to be “Yemeni authorities” ordering a ship to alter it’s course
A UK-owned and Bahamas-flagged ship passing through the RedSea has reportedly been "struck by a rocket" according to AFP quoting two maritime security organisations, saying one reported the involvement of a drone (likely referring to the UKMTO)
Pentagon initially assesses the five individuals detained by the USS Mason in aftermath of attempted hijacking of M/V Central Park are Somali
The Pentagon: The MV Central Park oil tanker is currently safe after American and coalition forces responded to a distress call from it.
UKMTO are aware of reports of a possible attack heard over VHF in position 1209N 04416E 53NM south west of Aden, Yemen
Yemen's Minister of Information: The Houthis' hijacking of the ship "Galaxy Leader" is a terrorist act
Owner of the ship Galaxy Leader: The ship is currently detained in the port of Hodeidah
1 jaar geledenFollowing the hijacking of a ship today, Houthi spokesperson says the following types of ships will be targeted: Ships carrying Israeli flags. Ships operated by Israeli companies and ships owned by Israeli companies
1 jaar geledenArabic-language media outlets report that a partially Israeli-owned shipping vessel, GALAXY LEADER, was hijacked by Yemen's Houthis in the Red Sea. Israeli media reports say there are no Israelis among the 22 crew
De VS zullen duizenden in beslag genomen Iraanse wapens en munitie overdragen aan Oekraïne, in een actie die zou kunnen helpen een deel van de tekorten te verlichten waarmee het Oekraïense leger wordt geconfronteerd, omdat het wacht op meer geld en uitrusting van de VS en zijn bondgenoten.
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Gulf of Aden
Britain: A growing threat around the Strait of Hormuz and all passing ships should be careful and report any suspicious activity
Tijdens de nacht lijken 3 burgerschepen met succes Russische bedreigingen voor de Zwarte Zee-navigatie te hebben uitgedaagd. Ams1, Sahin 2 en Yilmaz Kaptan voeren rechtstreekse routes en maakten via AIS openlijk reclame voor de bestemming Oekraïne. Hun oorsprong: Israël, Griekenland en Turkije/Georgië
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 127 km N of Las Khorey, Somalia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - Gulf of Aden
1 jaar geledenUKMTO has been made aware of a MV being approached by 3 small craft, carrying armed personnel in an area 27nm miles north of Mina Saqr
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 169 km N of Las Khorey, Somalia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 162 km N of Las Khorey, Somalia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 143 km N of Las Khorey, Somalia
Earthquake of magnitude 5.4 - 156 km N of Las Khorey, Somalia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 155 km N of Las Khorey, Somalia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 141 km N of Las Khorey, Somalia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 187 km NNW of Las Khorey, Somalia
Earthquake of magnitude 5.9 - Gulf of Aden
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - Gulf of Aden
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 114 km N of Las Khorey, Somalia